NAPF标准纯电阻雷电高压脉冲冲击电压分压器 NAPF standard pure resistance lightning high voltage pulse impulse voltage divider 设备别名 纯电阻雷电脉冲分压器,高压脉冲冲击分压器,脉冲电压分压器,纯电阻脉冲分压器,标准纯电阻分压器,雷电脉冲分压器,标准冲击电压分压器,高压脉冲分压器,标准纯电阻雷电高压脉冲冲击电压分压器 功能概述 本项目设备高压脉冲分压器, 采集高频以及工频的电压信号,主要用于雷电波测量、电力系统过电压(操作过电压、铁磁谐振过电压、串联谐振过电压等)以及系统工频电压。 本高压脉冲分压器将作为过电压在线监测系统的前端一次元件,需提供相关衰减器并通过**屏蔽电缆与过电压在线监测系统相连,以实现系统过电压在线监视。 1. 一次高电压侧 a) 一次高电压侧安装方式:从高压电网母线接入高压避雷器的高压侧并与之高压侧并联接入分压器的高压侧即完成了一次高电压侧的安装。分压器为单相的,分A、B、C相,单相直接连接。 b) 能采集高频以及工频的电压信号。 2. 二次测量监测侧: a) 二次监测侧接线方式:供方出厂时配套好了分压器的测量输出接口的接插件,供方应当配有输入衰减器接口的接插件,中间就是连接上需方的测量电缆信号线和供方的衰减器就构成通了测量回路了。中间连接的测量电缆信号线一定要是铠装阻燃带屏蔽层的测量电缆信号线:同轴的75-5-1或者75-5-2的射频屏蔽电缆,抗干扰能力强。分压器的二次监测侧输出端口的接插件:是SL16的接插件同轴型。 b)分压器二次侧的测量电压输出为500V,输入至数据采集机构的电压是10V,需要加装缓冲器(衰减器)。 c) 二次输出范围:依据分压比的比率大小而定。比率大电压低,比率小电压高。 3. 雷电高压脉冲分压器的工作原理: 耦合的脉冲的电流信号。 主要参数 1. 高压脉冲分压器参数 额定电压: 200kV(0~200kV)一次高电压侧 额定电容: 1000pF 电容节数: 1节 电阻和电感:0~30Ω,0~20uH 每节电容: 1000pF(MWF200kV~1000pF脉冲电容器) 方波响应: 部分响应时间小于100ns,过冲小于10% 分 压 比: 400:1 二次侧的测量端口输出电压:500V(0~500V) 分压比不确定度(测量精度): 小于1% 安装型式:室内或者柜内安装要求,合成硅橡胶套管绝缘外壳方式。 长期挂在10kV电网上运行,需满足以下波形的监测: A.标准雷电冲击全波电压波形 波头时间:1.2±30%μs 波尾时间:50±20%μs 过冲:小于5% 效率:不低于90% ±1.2/50μs标准雷电冲击电压全波,效率大于90%。 B.标准雷电冲击截波电压波形 波头时间:1.2±30%μs 过冲:小于5% 截断时间:2~6μs,电子时延控制 效率:不低于90% 采用截断装置可产生截断时间2~6μs的雷电截波,截波分散性小于100ns。 C.标准操作冲击全波电压波形 波头时间:250±20%μs 波尾时间:2500±60%μs 效率:不低于80% ±250/2500μs标准操作冲击电压波,效率大于80%。 D. 产生陡度大于2500kV/μs的陡波冲击波形 2. 衰减器(缓冲器)参数 500V / 10V(输入/输出) 分压比:50:1 衰减器内为分压电阻10k欧姆,防止电压过高,可对接入的监测仪器进行保护 衰减器的输入输出端口的接插件:都是Q9的接插件。同轴的。 同轴连接接插件和同轴屏蔽测量电缆的工频交流耐压和雷电脉冲冲击耐压的绝缘水平:≤4kV。 设备尺寸 外形尺寸:900Hx300Wx300L (mm),单重:15kg。 安装尺寸:900Hx250Wx250L (mm) Also name Pure resistance lightning pulse divider, high voltage pulse impulse divider, pulse voltage divider, pure resistance pulse voltage divider, the standard pure resistor divider, lightning pulse voltage divider, the standard impact voltage divider, high voltage pulse Voltage divider, standard pure resistance lightning high voltage pulse impulse voltage divider Functional overview This equipment is equipped with high voltage pulse voltage divider, collecting high frequency and power frequency voltage **, mainly used for lightning wave measurement, power system overvoltage (operating over voltage, ferromagnetic resonance overvoltage, series resonant overvoltage, etc.) and the system Frequency voltage. The high voltage pulse divider will serve as a front-end component of the overvoltage on-line monitoring system, providing the relevant attenuator and connected to the overvoltage on-line monitoring system via a dedicated shielded cable for system overvoltage monitoring. 1. a high voltage side A) a high voltage side of the installation: from the high voltage power grid bus access to the high voltage side of the high voltage arrester and with the high side of the high voltage side of the voltage divider to complete a high voltage side of the installation. The voltage divider is single phase, divided into A, B, C phase, single phase direct connection. B) can collect high frequency and frequency of the voltage **. 2. Secondary, measurement monitoring side: A) secondary monitoring side wiring: the supplier is equipped with a good voltage divider measurement output interface connector, the supplier should be equipped with input attenuator interface connector, the middle is connected to the demand side of the measurement cable ** The attenuator of the line and the supplier forms the measurement loop. Intermediate connection of the measurement cable ** line must be armored flame retardant tape with the measurement cable ** line: coaxial 75-5-1 or 75-5-2 RF shielding cable. Anti-interference ability of the best. Secondary regulator side of the voltage divider Output port connector: Yes SL16 connector. Coaxial. B) The voltage output of the secondary side of the voltage divider is 500V, and the voltage input to the data acquisition mechanism is 10V. The buffer (attenuator) needs to be installed. C) Secondary output range: depending on the ratio of the partial pressure ratio. Ratio of large voltage is low, the ratio of small voltage high. 3. lightning high voltage pulse divider works: Coupled pulse current **. Main technical data 1. High voltage pulse divider parameters Rated voltage: 200kV (0 ~ 200kV) a high voltage side Rated capacitance: 1000pF Capacitance section: 1 section Resistance and inductance: 0 ~ 30Ω, 0 ~ 20uH Each section capacitance: 1000pF (MWF200kV ~ 1000pF pulse capacitor) Square wave response: part of the response time is less than 100ns, overshoot less than 10% Partition ratio: 400: 1 Secondary side of the measurement port Output voltage: 500V (0 ~ 500V) Partition ratio Uncertainty (measurement accuracy): less than 1% Installation type: indoor or cabinet installation requirements, synthetic silicone rubber casing insulation shell. Long-term operation in the 10kV power grid to run, to meet the following waveform monitoring: A. Standard lightning impulse full-wave voltage waveform Wave head time: 1.2 ± 30% μs Tail time: 50 ± 20% μs Overshoot: less than 5% Efficiency: no less than 90% ± 1.2 / 50μs standard lightning impulse full-wave, the efficiency is greater than 90%. B. Standard lightning impulse voltage waveform Wave head time: 1.2 ± 30% μs Overshoot: less than 5% Truncation time: 2 ~ 6μs, electronic delay control Efficiency: no less than 90% Using the truncation device can produce truncation time 2 ~ 6μs lightning truncation, truncation dispersion is less than 100ns. C. Standard operation shock full wave voltage waveform Wave time: 250 ± 20% μs Tail time: 2500 ± 60% μs Efficiency: not less than 80% ± 250 / 2500μs standard operating shock voltage wave, the efficiency is greater than 80%. D. produces steep wave shock waveforms with steepness greater than 2500 kV / μs 2. attenuator (buffer) parameter 500V / 10V (input / output) Partition ratio: 50: 1 Attenuator for the voltage divider 10k ohm, to prevent the voltage is too high, can access the monitoring equipment to protect Attenuator input and output port of the connector: are Q9 connector. Coaxial. Coaxial connection connector and coaxial shield measurement cable frequency AC voltage and lightning impulse withstand voltage insulation level: ≤ 4kV. Equipment size Dimensions: 900Hx300Wx300L (mm), single weight: 15kg. Installation size: 900Hx250Wx250L (mm)